
S5/6 Option interview

Good Morning

Please find attached S5/6 option form and booklet.

Options Interviews will take place next week for all pupils in S4 and S5 who are intending on staying on next session, the options choice form and information booklet are now available on our school app. Pupils should look over the form and booklet to inform discussion with their Pastoral Care Teacher at their interview next week'


G Millar
S5/6 DHT

Senior Option Form Jan 2025.pdf
senior options booklet 2025-2026 Jan 2025.pdf

S5/6 Option interview

Good Morning

Please find attached S5/6 option form and booklet.

Options Interviews will take place next week for all pupils in S4 and S5 who are intending on staying on next session, the options choice form and information booklet are now available on our school app. Pupils should look over the form and booklet to inform discussion with their Pastoral Care Teacher at their interview next week'


G Millar
S5/6 DHT

Senior Option Form Jan 2025.pdf
senior options booklet 2025-2026 Jan 2025.pdf

S5/6 Parents' Meeting

S5/6 parents' meeting takes place this coming Wednesday, 29 January, from 4:15 to 6:15 pm. Appointments can still be booked - please come along and discuss your son/daughter's progress and propects with their teachers. If you experience any problem with booking, please call us on Monday.


Red Weather Warning - All Schools and Nurseries - CLOSED

Glasgow City Council has taken the decision to close all schools and nurseries to both staff and young people due to the severe weather conditions forecast tomorrow. 
The Met Office has upgraded tomorrow’s storm warning to RED with very strong winds associated with Storm Éowyn causing very dangerous conditions and significant disruption.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused to our families but everyone’s safety is paramount in these circumstances.  
Thank you once again for your resilience, stay safe, and the expectation is for the school to open as usual on Monday from 8:50am.
Jonathan Graham
Head Teacher


Options Presentation for S4 Pupils and Parents/Carers

FAO Parents/Carers of S4 Pupils

As indicated previously, our S4 parents' evening will take place on Wednesday 22nd January, from 4.15pm until 6.15pm.

An options presentation will take place beforehand, starting at 3.45pm. The purpose of the presentation is to provide pupils and parents/carers with guidance and advice about pathways before S4 pupils choose their options for S5.

We look forward to seeing a healthy turnout for the presentation and the parents' evening.

Kind regards,

Gavin Dunsmore
Depute Head Teacher (S4)



S4 Parent's Evening - Wednesday 22nd January 2025


Our S4 Parents' Information Evening will be on Wednesday, 22nd January 2025.  

Please be aware if you wish to make appointments the system will close at 6pm tonight, 20.01.25.  The instructions on how to do so can be found on the letter attached.

If you have any issues or wish to speak to someone please contact the school office.

Gavin Dunsmore
Depute Head Teacher, S4

S4 Parents Evening Invite Letter - 22nd January.pdf

S4 Tracking Reports

S4 Tracking Reports were issued this morning. Please ensure you receive your child's report.

You will be able to discuss the contents of the report with subject teachers at the S4 parents' evening on Wednesday 22nd January. Booking instructions have been sent out already. We would appreciate as healthy a turnout as possible.


S5/6 Parent's Evening - Wednesday 29th January 2025

Our S5/6 Parents' Information Evening will be on Wednesday, 29th January 2025.  A letter has been attached, which provides instructions on how to make appointments for your child.

The closing date for making appointments is Monday, 27th January 2025.

If you have any issues or wish to speak to someone please contact the school office.

Greig Millar
Depute Head Teacher, S5/6

S5-6 Parents Evening Invite Letter - 29th January.pdf

S4 Parent's Evening - Wednesday 22nd January 2025


Our S4 Parents' Information Evening will be on Wednesday, 22nd January 2025.  

If you wish to make an appointment, the instructions on how to do so can be found on the letter attached.

The closing date for making appointments is Monday, 20th January at 6pm.

If you have any issues or wish to speak to someone please contact the school office.

Gavin Dunsmore
Depute Head Teacher, S4

S4 Parents Evening Invite Letter - 22nd January.pdf

School Handbook

Good afternoon, and a very happy new year to all members of the Eastbank community.  As we start the new year can we draw your attention again to our school handbook, which is available on our website here. It is worth refamiliarising yourself with this short and helpful document which contains essential information on school routines, proceedures, and contact details.

