
S1 Parents' Information Evening - Wednesday, 2nd October 2024

Our S1 Parents' Information Evening will be on Wednesday, 2nd October 2024.  An invitation letter has been attached, which provides instructions on how to make appointments for your child.  You will be able to book appointments from Monday, 16th September at 6:00pm.

The closing date for making appointments is Monday 30th September 2024.

If you have any issues or wish to speak to someone please contact the school office.

Leigh-Ann Scott
Depute Head Teacher, S1

S1 Parents Evening Invite Letter - 2nd Oct 24.pdf

School Flu Immunisation Programme

The flu immunisation programme with be taking place in Eastbank Academy soon.

Young people have been issued with their consent pack. We would ask if you have not yet completed this, that you sign the form and return to the School Office as soon as possible.

If your child has not yet received this pack, please ask them to go to the school office.

Many thanks in advance for your support.

Kind regards

Mrs Gray
Depute Head Teacher



Dear Parents and Carers,

There was an incident involving a member of the public at school first thing this morning and police were called.  Please be reassured no young person was involved. Everyone is safe, and the school day continued as normal.  This is now a police matter and there is no cause for concern.

Best wishes,

Mr Graham
Head Teacher


Information Sessions for Parents/Carers of SQA Higher and National 5 Students 

 The University of Glasgow are hosting online entry requirement information sessions for parents/carers of potential applicants who are sitting SQA Higher/Advanced Highers.  These sessions are ideally suited to those with S4, S5 or S6 pupils, but of course anyone from S3 upwards may attend; we also welcome students and teachers/advisers to join.  The session will be approx. 60 mins with a presentation on understanding our entry requirements and the UCAS process in relation to applying to Glasgow, followed by a text based Q&A opportunity.
Monday 26 August, 7pm BST
Thursday 29 August, 7pm BST
Monday 16 September, 7pm BST
Sessions will take place on zoom. For more information and to register please visit:

Kay Donald
Employability Support Officer


Senior Phase College - Change to Start Dates

Due to Industrial Action at our partner colleges, SOME course start dates have had to be changed. Please see below for details.
Pupils who are affected by this change will be given permission to be at home on the Tue/Thur afternoons until they start.
Pupils will be emailed with this information also.

KInd regards

Kay Donald
Employability Support Officer

Course Name Level College Campus Start Date
Accountancy H 6 CoG City 03/09/2024
Accountancy N5 5 CoG City 03/09/2024
Adventure Sport & Fitness, Intro to 4 Kelvin Springburn 03/09/2024
Automotive FA 4 Kelvin  Springburn 03/09/2024
Building Design & Civil Engineering NQ 5 CoG City 20/08/2024
Business HNC 7 CoG City 20/08/2024
Child Health & Social Care NQ  5 CoG City 03/09/2024
Computer Games Development NPA 6 Clyde Anniesland 03/09/2024
Computer Games Development NPA 6 CoG City 20/08/2024
Construction 4 Kelvin East End 03/09/2024
Construction Skills - Carpentry & Joinery 4 Clyde Cardonald 03/09/2024
Criminology 6 CoG City 03/09/2024
ESOL 4/5 Clyde Cardonald 03/09/2024
Esports 6 CoG City 20/08/2024
International Events & Enterprise NPA 6 CoG City 20/08/2024
Jewellery Arts & Technology 6 CoG City 20/08/2024
Legal Studies NPA 6 CoG City 20/08/2024
Mental Health & Criminology 5 Kelvin Springburn 03/09/2024
Mental Health & Wellbeing 4 CoG City 20/08/2024
Musical Theatre 6 Kelvin Springburn 03/09/2024
Nursing, Intro to 5 Clyde Cardonald 03/09/2024
Practical Electronics 5 Clyde Cardonald 03/09/2024
Professional Cookery 4 CoG City 20/08/2024
Professional Theatre  Prep   Clyde Langside 03/09/2024
Psychology N5 5 Kelvin Springburn 03/09/2024
Radio Broadcasting  5 CoG City 03/09/2024
Social Services, Children & Young People NPA  6 CoG City 03/09/2024
Sound Production: Recording 6 Kelvin Springburn 03/09/2024
Up in the Air and on the Ground 4 CoG City 20/08/2024


Letter from the Head Teacher

Please see attached letter from Mr Graham regarding the start of the new session.


School Uniform

We are looking forward to welcoming our pupils back for another year at Eastbank Academy.

When getting ready for the new term, remember the school uniform requirements which are detailed on the attached booklet and on our website.

Remember that tracksuit trousers and jogging trousers are NOT acceptable school uniform, even if they are black. Proper trousers only for school!

Look smart - work smart!


School Uniform

We are looking forward to welcoming our pupils back for another year at Eastbank Academy.
When getting ready for the new term, remember the school uniform requirements which are detailed on the attached booklet and on our website.

Remember that tracksuit trousers and jogging trousers are NOT acceptable school uniform, even if they are black. Proper trousers only for school!

Look smart - work smart!

Dressing for Ambition at Eastbank Academy.pdf

Uniform - Back to School Next Week

We are looking forward to welcoming our pupils back for another year at Eastbank Academy.
When getting ready for the new term, remember the school uniform requirements which are detailed on the attached booklet and on our website.

Remember that tracksuit trouser and jogging trousers are NOT acceptable school uniform, even if they are black. Proper trousers only for school!

Look smart - work smart!

Dressing for Ambition at Eastbank Academy.pdf

Pupils Returning for S5/6

Good afternoon,

Pupils returning for S5 or S6, who would like to meet with Mr Millar, for option changes only following their SQA results, can attend as noted below.

New S5 – Wednesday, 7th August
Pupils with surname starting A-M should attend between 9:00am - 12:00pm
Pupils with surname starting Mc-Z should attend between 12:30pm - 3:00pm

New S6 – Thursday, 8th August
Pupils with surname starting A-M should attend between 9:00am - 10:30am
Pupils with surname starting Mc-Z should attend between 10:30am - 12:00pm

Please ensure you sign in at the school office.

Please only attend on your allotted date and time and only if you require to make a subject change.  If you wish to stay in the same subject but would like to change level, this can be undertaken when school returns.

Kind regards,

Mr G Millar
Depute Head Teacher - S5/6
