Dear Parents/Carers,
We have now reached the September weekend, and have completed seven weeks of the academic session – an important milestone point at Eastbank Academy. The ‘lockdown’ was imposed just over 6 months ago, so our first seven weeks after returning from this have been important, and a number of things have changed since retuning in August. I’d like to thank all pupils, staff and parents for making it so smooth and successful.
September weekend
The school closed at 3pm today, and will be closed tomorrow (Friday 25 September) and Monday 28 September. Pupils should return to school on Tuesday 29 September at 8:50 am.
Upcoming dates
8 October - Senior Phase (S4/5/6) Tracking Reports issued
8 October - This session’s first issue of Academy News, our termly newsletter.
9 October - In-service day. Pupils do not attend school on this day.
12 October - Beginning of October holiday. Pupils do not attend school all week.
19 October - Pupils return to school at 8:50am
Please make every effort to ensure that your child’s attendance is as high as possible. I appreciate that isolation procedures may affect pupils’ ability to attend, but otherwise I’m looking for young people to maximise their attendance to ensure the get the maximum benefit from their education.
Awards ceremony
We held a scaled down and physically distanced awards ceremony last Wednesday, which was very successful. The video recording of this can be found on our YouTube channel here. Pictures will follow in our Autumn Newsletter in two weeks’ time.
Fire drill
We held a planned fire evacuation drill last period today. I’m pleased to say that this went smoothly and everyone exited the building swiftly and safely.
As per my letter of 28 August, you will be aware that the Scottish Government has an expectation that all staff and pupils wear face masks in schools at period changeovers, and in communal areas of the school.
The overwhelming majority of our young people are bringing their masks to school, and are wearing them when they enter school in the morning. Unfortunately, a significant number remove these when out of sight of a teacher, or fail to put them on from moving from one class to another. This is often a surprise to parents!
I do understand that the masks can be uncomfortable. However, it is important that we all play our part and do what we can to stem the spread of the virus. I have been conducting ‘spot checks’ and sending texts home to those pupils who are not wearing masks at certain points. I’d be incredibly grateful for your support in ensuring you child wears his/her mask as required.
I understand that some young people are exempt and ask that those pupils inform their Pastoral care Teacher or Head of Year for an exemption pass – this will avoid un-necessary challenge.
In the community at lunchtime
Many of our young people choose to buy their lunch from local shops on Shettleston Road and beyond. I have been reminding young people about the importance of respecting physical distancing (with each other and with members of the public), and about the possible requirement to wear masks in certain shops. I will continue to do so and would be very grateful if you could reinforce this with your son/daughter.
Previous communication
Since the start of term I have issued details about a number of matters that you may wish to revisit. The issues, and details, can be found on the links below:
I wish you all a good weekend.
Yours faithfully,
Jonathan Graham
Head Teacher